Monday, December 26, 2016

課 - 12-26-2016




Today's activity brought the members of the Leadership Club to a local nursing home, where they took care of mentally disabled and injured people. The students brought the Christmas ornaments that they made in the previous class, and gave them to the nursing home as a gift. The nursing home will sell the ornaments for NT100 each to raise money for the nursing home patients.

The students played a game with the patients, and then provided a basketball exhibition for their entertainment. Our sponsor, Chia Hsiang Bakery, provided snacks for the event.

The students rode their bicycles together to get to the event.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sigang District Government Meeting

西港區公所邀請我們在年度會議上向地方里長與市政府行政代表介紹我們的精英領導俱樂部。 Tony Coolidge和國中教務主任歐陽丞介紹了這個社團的運作程序,並展示了一個Powerpoint演示。這是一個很好的機會,讓地方領導人與社區分享這個計劃,期待有更多的力量進來。

The Sigang District Government representative invited us to introduce our Elite Leadership Club to the local leaders during a community meeting. Tony Coolidge and Dean Ouyang introduced the program and showed a Powerpoint presentation. It was a good opportunity to ask local leaders to share the program with the community.

Monday, December 12, 2016

課 - 12-12-2016


Today's Leadership Club enjoyed a special outing. They went to a community center that helped mentally disabled people. This community center provides a supportive environment where the mentally disabled can learn and work. They actually can do simple jobs, where they can earn money for themselves. It is run by several caring social workers.

The Leadership Club students were taught how to make Christmas decorations by hand. The social workers gave a presentation about the community center. Then, they provided materials and directions on how to make the beautiful Christmas ornament out of colorful plastic beads and fishing line. Most of the students were focused and achieved their goal easily, while some needed help. There were enough social workers and volunteers to help almost everyone complete their task.

Several volunteers also joined the group to help them with their new experience. With their help, the students were able to learn more easily. And the volunteers added to the warm atmosphere.

The ornaments will be given to patients in a nursing home during the next Leadership Club meeting. Materials for the ornaments were paid for by a nearby business. This shows that local businesses can support projects that can change the lives of young people in the community.

Monday, November 28, 2016

課 - 11-28-2016

今天社團邀請了許多慈濟基金會的來賓,他們帶來了一場鼓舞人心的演說,回覆同學的疑問,並教導學生配合音樂、手、臂的律動來進行冥想。 這次的演講給學生一個不同的角度來學習。

The Leadership Club welcomed several guests from the Tzu Chi Foundation. They provided an inspirational speech, answered questions and taught the students some meditative hand/arm movements with music. The presentation gave students a different perspective to learn from.

Monday, November 14, 2016

課 - 11-14-2016


In class today, we discussed the previous experiences and activities, and reviewed what was to be learned from them. We also showed inspiring videos about people who were making a difference for the less fortunate. Students also made Christmas cards for an activity they will participate in next month.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

志願 - Volunteering - 11-09-2016

11月9日星期三,菁英領導俱樂部的幾乎所有成員都義務協助西港國小特別活動。他們從西港國中走路出發,並且證明了自己是『可以的』。他們觀看了一個由身體殘疾人士(混障綜藝團)所呈現出來傑而鼓舞人心動人心弦的表演。 希望他們會學到,他們是沒有極限的,他們可以用他們的生命實現任何東西。

On Wednesday, November 9, almost all of the members of Elite Leadership Club volunteered to help out at a special event at Sigang Elementary School. They walked from their junior high school, and made themselves available. They watched an inspiring performance, which featured people who were physically handicapped doing outstanding performances. Hopefully, they will learn that they are not limited, and they can achieve anything with their lives.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thank you Chia Hsiang Bakery



Elite Leadership Club and Sigang Junior High School thanks Chia Hsiang Bakery for being a sponsor of our program and donating bread and cakes for our events. The bakery will donate baked good for our students at two of our events this semester.

Chia Hsiang Bakery is a first-class bakery, which provides a large variety of quality baked goods throughout Southern Taiwan. It has a great reputation, because of the quality of its products, but it has also earned a reputation as a supporter of the community, because of its donations to many groups.

Thank you, Chia Hsiang Bakery!

Monday, October 31, 2016

課 - 10-31-2016



他們到達西港的當地醫療診所(仁美中醫)休息,喝水,吃點心。而這些糕點是由當地的麵包店( 甘味蛋糕喜餅肉脯號)捐贈。


(很好的一次學校與社區互動) 當學生們在享用茶點時, Shu-min Coolidge 跟他們討論了什麼是在經驗中所學習到的。

The 4th meeting of the Elite Leadership Club occurred on Halloween. The Club members were given an outdoor activity to participate in. Four students in the 9th grade were chosen to be leaders. Each leader was given their own team.

The teams walked through the neighborhood of Sigang District, and picked up trash. They carried brooms, tongs and garbage bags. They had a competition to see which team could collect the most garbage.

They arrived at a local medical clinic (Gene-Med) in Sigang to rest, drink water, and eat pastries. The pastries were donated by a local bakery.

After arriving back at Sigang Junior High School, the teachers treated them to iced black tea. The students were given a surprise by the local district representative. He provided a large amount of ice cream to share with the students to thank them for making a difference for the community.

While they were enjoying their refreshments, teacher Shu-min Coolidge discussed what there was to learn from the experience.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Our club is in the newspaper!

The Elite Leadership Club was featured in the Liberty Times newspaper. You can read the entire newspaper article online by clicking this link.

Thank you Liberty Times!

Monday, October 17, 2016

課 - 10-17-2016

第三堂精英領導俱樂部是在課堂上呈現"使夢想成真"。課程中我們展示了一些影片,並問學生他們的夢想是什麼。 學生們還為俱樂部T卹繪製了設計理念。當我們選擇獲獎的設計,它將可被印在這件T卹上。

The third class of the Elite Leadership Club was a presentation in the classroom about Making Dreams Come True. We showed videos and asked the students what their dreams were.

Students also drew design ideas for the Club T-shirts. When we choose the winning design, it will be available for t-shirts.

Monday, October 3, 2016

課 - 10-03-2016


1) 毒品 
2) 性 
3) 網絡/遊戲成癮 
4) 未成年駕駛 


In the second class of the Elite Leadership club, students were taken on a short field trip to Sigang Police Station. They were given a presentation by Mr. Tsai Cing-ming, CID Officer from the Jiali District Branch (佳里分局,偵查隊,蔡慶銘刑警). Students learned the risks that teenagers in Taiwan face, including:

1) Drugs
2) Sex
3) Internet/Gaming Addiction
4) Underage Driving

They also learned about working as a policeman. The presentation gave them clarity and information to think about.