Monday, November 28, 2016

課 - 11-28-2016

今天社團邀請了許多慈濟基金會的來賓,他們帶來了一場鼓舞人心的演說,回覆同學的疑問,並教導學生配合音樂、手、臂的律動來進行冥想。 這次的演講給學生一個不同的角度來學習。

The Leadership Club welcomed several guests from the Tzu Chi Foundation. They provided an inspirational speech, answered questions and taught the students some meditative hand/arm movements with music. The presentation gave students a different perspective to learn from.

Monday, November 14, 2016

課 - 11-14-2016


In class today, we discussed the previous experiences and activities, and reviewed what was to be learned from them. We also showed inspiring videos about people who were making a difference for the less fortunate. Students also made Christmas cards for an activity they will participate in next month.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

志願 - Volunteering - 11-09-2016

11月9日星期三,菁英領導俱樂部的幾乎所有成員都義務協助西港國小特別活動。他們從西港國中走路出發,並且證明了自己是『可以的』。他們觀看了一個由身體殘疾人士(混障綜藝團)所呈現出來傑而鼓舞人心動人心弦的表演。 希望他們會學到,他們是沒有極限的,他們可以用他們的生命實現任何東西。

On Wednesday, November 9, almost all of the members of Elite Leadership Club volunteered to help out at a special event at Sigang Elementary School. They walked from their junior high school, and made themselves available. They watched an inspiring performance, which featured people who were physically handicapped doing outstanding performances. Hopefully, they will learn that they are not limited, and they can achieve anything with their lives.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thank you Chia Hsiang Bakery



Elite Leadership Club and Sigang Junior High School thanks Chia Hsiang Bakery for being a sponsor of our program and donating bread and cakes for our events. The bakery will donate baked good for our students at two of our events this semester.

Chia Hsiang Bakery is a first-class bakery, which provides a large variety of quality baked goods throughout Southern Taiwan. It has a great reputation, because of the quality of its products, but it has also earned a reputation as a supporter of the community, because of its donations to many groups.

Thank you, Chia Hsiang Bakery!