Monday, September 25, 2017

課 - 09-25-2017

The club members in front of the Taiwan Sugar Railway Station.

The new school year has begun, and the Leadership Club at Sigang Junior High has evolved into something special. Shu-min has organized the club to focus on giving the children the experience of discovering the culture and heritage of Sigang. Even though Sigang District is not a very big place, many locals, especially student have limited experience of Sigang's culture and heritage. Given that culture and heritage sites are often destroyed for development projects, it is important to teach the kids more about the place where they grew up.

Praying at a local temple.


On this first trip, the club members walked to a local temple, and gave thanks to the Gods. Then, they walked to the Taiwan Sugar Railway Station, which is scheduled to be destroyed by Tainan City Government. Shu-min and a guide provided the students with a historical perspective of the place, so the students can understand why some people are trying to preserve it.

A train made by local artists.

學生們喜歡走出校園,去獲得新的體驗。在這次活動中,學生們從街上撿起垃圾,然後得到冰棒獎勵。 我們為這個社團感到自豪,因為它現在已經成為學校最受歡迎的社團。我們希望在當地居民和支持者的幫助下,為未來的領導者提供更豐富,更有意義的經驗。

The students enjoyed getting out of the school for new experiences. On this trip, the students picked up garbage from the street, and then they were rewarded with popsicles. We are proud of the club, as it has now become known as the most popular club at the school. We hope that with the help of local residents and supporters, we can provide a richer, more meaningful experience for the future leaders.