他們到達西港的當地醫療診所(仁美中醫)休息,喝水,吃點心。而這些糕點是由當地的麵包店( 甘味蛋糕喜餅肉脯號)捐贈。
(很好的一次學校與社區互動) 當學生們在享用茶點時, Shu-min Coolidge 跟他們討論了什麼是在經驗中所學習到的。
The 4th meeting of the Elite Leadership Club occurred on Halloween. The Club members were given an outdoor activity to participate in. Four students in the 9th grade were chosen to be leaders. Each leader was given their own team.
The teams walked through the neighborhood of Sigang District, and picked up trash. They carried brooms, tongs and garbage bags. They had a competition to see which team could collect the most garbage.
They arrived at a local medical clinic (Gene-Med) in Sigang to rest, drink water, and eat pastries. The pastries were donated by a local bakery.
After arriving back at Sigang Junior High School, the teachers treated them to iced black tea. The students were given a surprise by the local district representative. He provided a large amount of ice cream to share with the students to thank them for making a difference for the community.
While they were enjoying their refreshments, teacher Shu-min Coolidge discussed what there was to learn from the experience.