Monday, November 20, 2017

課 - 11-20-2017

The club members receive an orientation from the director of the charity.

On this day, the members of the Leadership Club made a short bicycle ride to the Sigang Post Office. What were they doing there? On the second floor of the building is a charity that helps mentally handicapped people to have more independent, productive lives. Like last year, the Leadership Club would visit the charity to make part in an activity.

The location was the second floor of the Sigang Post Office.

The children were given a brief orientation about the charity. Then the charity staff helped the students to learn how to make hand-made Christmas decorations. The decorations were attractive Christmas bells that could be used as ornaments or key chains. The teenagers enjoyed the hands-on experience and had the fulfilment of creating something.

Making Christmas bell ornaments.

The Christmas ornaments are gifts that will be sold to raise money for another charity in Sigang District that takes care of severely handicapped patients.

Monday, November 6, 2017

課 - 11-06-2017

The Master of the Buddhist Temple taught the students the rituals and routines of the temple.

在這一天,淑敏老師和志工帶領團員在家鄉體驗三種不同的宗教,了解他們的歷史和教義。 西港有三大宗教:道教,佛教和基督教。這是一個有趣的機會,讓孩子們看到差異和相似之處。 他們經歷了不同的莊重和聖潔的膜拜儀式。在西港的大多數孩子從來沒有真正看到或經歷過超過一個以上的宗教,所以對孩子們而言是有教育意義的。

On this day, Shu-min and her volunteers, brought the club members to experience three different religions in their hometown, and to learn about their history and what they teach. Sigang has three dominant religions: Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity. It was an interesting opportunity for the kids to see the differences and the similarities. They experienced kindness and holy worship of different kids. Most children in Sigang never really see or experience more than one religion, so this was educational for them.
The Pastor of the church shared the historical context of his church and a Christian lesson.


Most of the kids in Sigang are already quite familiar with the Cing-An Temple. his, more tie was focused on the Christian church nearby and the Buddhist temple next to Cing-An Temple.

The Cing-An Temple is the main Taoist temple in Sigang.