我們在西港國中的第一堂課, Tony Coolidge 負責授課而Shu-min Coolidge負責翻譯的任務。我們在課堂上呈現了一些歷史上最有名而且成功的領導者的圖像。這些領導者們都不是所謂的好學生,也許沒上過大學,有些甚至於只有接受國小的教育。我們試著讓孩子們瞭解,他們可以成為一個成功的領導者,只要他們學習到下列的特質:
1) 自信心:能有意願去嘗試並學習新的事物。
2) 體驗:實際去體驗就是最確實的學 習。
3) 自我承諾:當他們擁有專業並能自我應用,他們可以達到很大的成效。
4) 技能:透過學習更多的技能,他們在世界上將更有價值。
5) 價值:他們提供越多的價值就代表越成功。
我們給學生一個勇氣訓練,他們必須眼睛直視一個不認識的伙伴的眼睛。這幫助我們知道誰是勇敢的,誰是沒安全感的。正如我們所預期的,最沒安全感的正是那些在同學面前試圖表 現強悍的學生。這對我們的計畫是一個好的開始。
In our first class at Sigang Junior High School, Tony Coolidge taught and Shu-min Coolidge translated. They presented a presentation of the most famous and successful leaders in history. They were NOT good students, and many did not attend college. Some did not even have more than an elementary school education. We wanted to let the students realize that THEY could become successful leaders, if they learned:
1) Confidence - To have the willingness to try and learn new things
2) Experience - To experience is to truly learn
3) Commitment - When they apply themselves and have discipline, hey can achieve great results
4) Skills - By learning more skills, they have more value in the world
5) Value - The more value they have to offer, the more successful they can be
We gave the students a courage exercise, where they had to stare into the eyes of a partner that they did not know. This helped us to see who was brave and who was insecure. As we expected, the students who were most insecure were the ones who tried to act tough in front of their classmates.
It was a good start for our program.
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